RE: Self-Appointed Censors

It's ok. Let's stop this fight. The tale had little harp content, but it was
just that, a short story. Let's go back to harp-l. Thanks
Fernando Toral

Wow!  Another guy who's elected himself Final Arbiter of "Harp Content" and
Supreme Definer of Exactly What Harp-L Should Be!

It would be great to "stop it," of course--it's annoying, and I have a
sound-check to go to, as no doubt many of the people on this list do--but 
the more
you try to demand that others conform to your narrow definitions, the more
important the "fight" becomes.  And besides, for some of us, the "harp 
content" in
Muddy's review of Butterfield is, uh...enormous.  And provides a wonderful
standard to judge our own performance by.

Peace Out
Johnny T

Hello Johnny T

Wow, you really did get out of the wrong side of the bed today didn't you.  
You managed to be exceptionally rude in public to two of the most measured 
and constructive guys on the group, and throw in a nice bit of sexism a la 
"Ladies' Harmonica Group" for good measure (sorry - all in the name of free 
speech eh?  I forgot!).  Well, I don't believe in censorship either, but 
paradoxically I shall impose my own personal version of it whenever I see a 
post from you and delete it immediately.  And I wouldn't mind betting that a 
lot of other harp-Lers will do just the same.  It's all about working for 
the outcomes we desire and you don't seem to know what yours are.  Why don't 
you just go and have a little think.

Steve Shaw (glasses-wearing, bar-gigging, free-speaking non-final arbiter)

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